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PHP Development Master Award

What is the PHP Development Master Award?

How does the award work?

Sponsors and prizes



How to Start Participating in the PHP Development Master Award?




PHP Development Master AwardPHP Development Master Award

The PHP Development Master Award goal is to recognize developers that contribute content to share knowledge with other developers that visit the PHP site.

The award aims to honor developers that publish tutorial articles that may have useful code examples and/or videos. This kind of content is valuable because it teaches about methods and tools to other PHP developers.

The main goal of this award is to encourage developers to contribute articles in the main site blog or in blogs of each PHP component that they share on the site.

At the same time, we hope that the recognition and prizes, which award nominees and winners can earn, will motivate more capable developers to share their knowledge on the site.

Unlike other languages, the PHP community has grown naturally without a marketing force persuading developers to adopt it. Unlike other languages, big companies with large budgets back to invest in huge marketing campaigns.

This award also has an implicit goal to inspire other sites or companies to promote PHP and its community using other initiatives, hopefully, different from this one, that focus on motivating and providing recognition to individuals or groups who make outstanding contributions to the PHP community and foster the continuation of its growth.

Cooperating is better than competing. Cooperate, and the community will embrace you.

How does the award work?

Every month all newly published tutorial articles about classes that the site users read are ranked to determine which were considered more interesting.

At the beginning of the next month, the articles that had the most readers in the previous month are announced.

The winning author will be entitled to receive one prize provided by a sponsor of choice. The remaining authors of the ranked articles may also be entitled to receive one prize, depending on their award rank and the availability of prizes.

Authors awarded with prizes may choose which of the prizes they would like to receive, with authors choosing in ascending order of rank they reached. One author may only receive a prize once per month, even if more than one of his/her articles qualified to win prizes.

Sponsors and prizes

The sponsors are responsible for delivering the prizes directly to the winning authors, except when the author lives in a country to which the sponsor that provides the chosen prize may not export due to local legislation.

In that case, the prize is sent to the PHP Classes site that will ship the prize to the author later.

The current list of sponsors follows. Other sponsors may join later.

Sponsors Prizes
PHPClasses One official elePHPant Plush MascottOne official elePHPant Plush Mascott
IBANAPI Premium IBAN Validation API service Enterprise Edition for 1 YearPremium IBAN Validation API service Enterprise Edition for 1 Year


Every package approved to be published on the PHP Classes site has an associated blog of its own. Every article published in the blog of a package automatically qualifies to be a candidate to participate in the PHP Development Master Award if it did not rank in the first 3 positions of the ranking of the previous months.

The authors of the packages must submit blog articles about the code package. The articles may also have been previously published on other sites, and even if those sites have tutorial articles similar to those you can find on the PHP Classes site.

At the beginning of each month, the PHP Classes site will count the number of real people that read an article. The article with the most real readers will be the winner.

Authors may read their own articles, but they may not create new accounts to increase the article readers count. That would be considered fraud. The site has means to detect fraud. Any attempt to commit this kind of fraud leads to automatic disqualification without warning.

Winners will be listed on the pages of the PHP Classes site for this award. The winners will also be notified by e-mail. After notification, they have 7 days to claim their prizes. If that period passes, it is assumed that the author is not interested in the prizes. In that case, the author that ranks in the next position will be notified to select his or her prize.

The PHP Classes site will not reconsider even if mail delivery problems prevented a winning author from receiving prize notifications messages.

How to Start Participating in the PHP Development Master Award?

To participate in the award, you need to contribute with packages of classes of objects that you have written in the PHP language.

Then you need to submit blog posts about your packages in a blog that is available on the PHP Classes site for each package you publish.

The blog posts must teach how to use the package for a useful purpose for other developers.

If you have not started contributing with our own packages of PHP classes, you need to start by going to the contribute page.

If you have already submitted your own packages and would like to participate in this award, please follow these steps:

1. You need to go to your your packages page.

2. Click on the link to the package page for which you want to submit a tutorial blog post.

3. Click on the link that appears on that page that says: Blog.

4. Click on the link that says: Post Article.

5. Click on the link that says: Submit a new blog post.

6. Enter the content of the article in the post editor.

Ensure you provide code examples in the article for each aspect you want to demonstrate about your package.

If possible, provide example pictures and tutorial videos.

7. Ensure you check the option that says: Propose to be featured in the main PHP Classes site blog.

This will help your post to get more exposure by featuring in the main blog of the site.

This way, the site will send a newsletter message to many users that are subscribed to the site newsletters to come to the site and read your article.

8. Once you are done editing the article, make sure you set the Status option: Ready to publish.

Then click on the Submit button. If you have checked the option to "Propose to be featured in the main PHP Classes site blog", you need to be patient and wait for a moderator to review your article before it is published.

The moderator will take care of formatting the article in a more readable way for the site users.

The moderator may also improve the article titles and important sections of text to make sure that the article matches better what the users are entering on search engine sites like Google when looking for tutorial articles like yours.