1. How to Find the Distance Between Two Points with Given Latitude and Longitude in PHP?
Updated on: 2019-08-26
Posted on: 2019-08-26
Many applications require to find the distance between places on Earth.
This is a common problem that only requires knowing the geographic coordinates of those points to be solved.
Read this short article to learn how to solve this problem with a small effort using the Geodesy PHP package.
Geodesy-PHP is a PHP port of some known geodesic functions for getting distance from a known point A to a known point B, given their latitude and longitude (good for working out distances between latitude/longitude data provided by Google Maps or any Restful APIs).
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This is a common problem that only requires knowing the geographic coordinates of those points to be solved.
Read this short article to learn how to solve this problem with a small effort using the Geodesy PHP package.
Geodesy-PHP is a PHP port of some known geodesic functions for getting distance from a known point A to a known point B, given their latitude and longitude (good for working out distances between latitude/longitude data provided by Google Maps or any Restful APIs).