DownloadPHP Language library
Based on i18next
Interpolate direct with ATK4 - Agile Toolkit Models

install with composer :
composer require abbadon1334/atk4-i18next-php
All documentation about the original library can be found here :
How to use :
$this->translator = new TranslatorMock();
Define if filename will be used has namespace : $this->translator->useFilenameAsNamespace(true);
Define primary and fallback language (name of the folders where library load files) : $this->translator->setLanguagePrimary($language);
Add additional language : $this->translator->addLanguage('it');
Translate :
interface TranslatorInterface
* Translates the given message.
* @param string $key
* @param array|null $parameters Array of parameters used to translate message
* @param string|null $context
* @param string|null $locale The locale or null to use the default
* @return string The translated string
public function _(string $key, ?array $parameters = null, ?string $context = null, ?string $locale = null): string;
// Usage
$result = $this->translator->_('definitionKey');
$result = $this->translator->_('definitionKey', ['param1' => 'test']);
$result = $this->translator->_('definitionKey', ['param1' => 'test'], 'context');
$result = $this->translator->_('definitionKey', ['param1' => 'test'], 'context', 'specificLanguage');
$result = $this->translator->_('namespace:definitionKey', ['param1' => 'test'], 'context', 'specificLanguage');
Support I18Next
[x] Read translations files from folder, every folder is a language code
- [x] JSON
- [ ] YAML
- [ ] PHP Array
[ ] Write translations files to a folder, every folder is a language code
- [ ] JSON
- [ ] YAML
- [ ] PHP Array
[x] Get a defined translation in primary language
- [x] If not found try in fallback language
- [x] If not found return original string
[x] Namespaces
- [x] Get defined translation based on prioritized fallback namespaces
[x] Context as {key}_{context}
[x] Plurals
- [x] Singular as {key}
- [x] Plurals as {key}_plural
- [x] Multiple plurals as {key}_{int $counter}
- [x] Manage when $counter is bigger than max defined plurals
- [x] Nested interpolate plurals
- [x] Intervals
[x] Interpolate
- [x] Replace {{key}} with defined $paramater value
- [x] If {{key}} has a point like {{key.index}} and $parameters[index] is an array or object will retrive the value
[x] Nesting
- [x] Basic
- [x] Plurals
[ ] Formatting
[x] Adding Helper for use method Translator::_ as global functions __
[x] Adding Helper for use Translator as a global singleton instance
[ ] Collect missing requested keys
[ ] Adding Helper for search/collect calls to method Translator _ in code
[x] Added direct translations using key as translation
Support ATK4 - Agile Toolkit Model
- [x] Interpolate with \atk4\data\Model