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Classes of Abed Nego Ragil Putra | PHP Inventory Management System with Scanner | vendor/hamcrest/hamcrest-php/ | Download |
![]() This is the PHP port of Hamcrest MatchersHamcrest is a matching library originally written for Java, but subsequently ported to many other languages. hamcrest-php is the official PHP port of Hamcrest and essentially follows a literal translation of the original Java API for Hamcrest, with a few Exceptions, mostly down to PHP language barriers: 1. 2.
4. Unless it would be non-semantic for a matcher to do so, hamcrest-php
5. Several official matchers have not been ported because they don't
6. When most of the collections matchers are finally ported, PHP-specific
[Unless we consider POPO's (Plain Old PHP Objects) akin to JavaBeans]
UsageHamcrest matchers are easy to use as: