
Package v-dem/queasy-log
Contains logger classes compatible with PSR-3 logger interface. Currently file system and console loggers are implemented.
This package includes these types of logging:
Logger (base class, can be used as a container for other loggers)
ConsoleLogger (supports ANSI color codes)
SimpleMailLogger (encapsulates `mail()` function)
PSR-3 compatible.
Easy to use.
Easy to extend.
Nested loggers support.
Configurable output message format.
PHP version 5.3 or higher
See our Wiki page.
composer require v-dem/queasy-log:master-dev
Let's imagine we have the following config.php :
return [
'logger' => [
'class' => queasy\log\FileSystemLogger::class, // Logger class
'processName' => 'test', // Process name, to differentiate log messages from different sources
'minLevel' => Psr\Log\LogLevel::WARNING, // Message's minimum acceptable log level
'path' => 'debug.log' // Path to logger output file
Creating logger instance
Include Composer autoloader:
Create config instance (using v-dem/queasy-config package):
$config = new queasy\config\Config('config.php');
Or using arrays:
$config = include('config.php');
Create logger instance (in this case class option can be omitted and will be ignored):
$logger = new queasy\log\Logger($config);
Another way to create logger instance (it will create an instance of $config->logger->class , by default queasy\log\Logger
as an aggregate logger will be used):
$logger = queasy\log\Logger::create($config);
> FileSystemLogger and ConsoleLogger have default settings and can be used without config. Default log file path for
> FileSystemLogger is debug.log , default min log level is Psr\Log\LogLevel::DEBUG and max is LogLevel::EMERGENCY .
Writing messages to log
Output warning message:
$logger->warning('Test warning message.');
In debug.log you'll see something like this:
2017-12-24 16:13:09.302334 EET test [] [] [WARNING] Test warning message.
Chain log messages
->warning('going strange')
->error('cannot connect to the database')
->emergency('the website is down');
Using composite/nested loggers
config.php :
return [
'class' => queasy\log\FileSystemLogger::class,
'path' => 'debug.full.log',
'minLevel' => Psr\Log\LogLevel::DEBUG,
'class' => queasy\log\ConsoleLogger::class,
'minLevel' => Psr\Log\LogLevel::INFO
], [
'class' => queasy\log\SimpleMailLogger::class,
'minLevel' => Psr\Log\LogLevel::ALERT,
'mailTo' => '',
'subject' => 'Website Alert'
], [
'class' => queasy\log\FileSystemLogger::class,
'path' => 'debug.log',
'minLevel' => Psr\Log\LogLevel::INFO
Usage: $config = new queasy\config\Config('config.php');
$logger = new queasy\log\Logger($config);
$logger->info('Hello, world!');
Using date/time in log file name (note "%s" there, it will be replaced by current date and/or time formatted as described in timeLabel )
config.php :
return [
'class' => queasy\log\FileSystemLogger::class,
'path' => 'debug-full.%s.log',
'timeLabel' => 'Y-m-d',
'minLevel' => Psr\Log\LogLevel::DEBUG