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  Classes of Kabir Hossain   Sage   Download  
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Class: Sage
Demo application of Web development framework
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* ###### Server Requirements:

    The Sage framework has a few system requirements. All of these requirements are given below:
    PHP >= 7.2.0
    BCMath PHP Extension
    Ctype PHP Extension
    JSON PHP Extension
    Mbstring PHP Extension
    OpenSSL PHP Extension
    PDO PHP Extension
    Tokenizer PHP Extension
    XML PHP Extension

* ###### Installing Sage:

    Sage utilizes Composer to manage its dependencies. So, before using sage, make sure you have Composer installed on your machine.

  First, download the Sage using Composer:

       composer global require "kabircse/sage":"dev-master"

After install setup your databaes to /config/database.php. If you get any problem with file missing/autoload, then run this command in you project folder using a command:

        composer update -no-dev -o

There also exist a demo database to db/demo_book.sql, Using this database you can use the demo controller,model with demo views


At first you have to create a a route in web.php with http GET,POST methods. Ex:

$router->map('GET','/', 'DemoController@index','demo');

This routes show the data from the index() methods of DemoController. We can also call this method using route name defined as demo. * The first parameter shows the http methods. * The second parameter shows the url of your resources. * The third parameter shows the your file/controller. * The fourth parameter shows the route name


Create a controller named NameController to app\Controllers path extending Controller class.

Ex: We created a controller named as DemoController as

   namespace App\Controllers;
   use App\Models\Address;
   use Vendor\Valitron\Validator;
   class DemoController extends Controller {
     * Create a private variable for model.
     * @var string
       private $address;
        * Create a new controller instance for load model instance.
        * @return void
       public function __construct() {
           $this->address = new Address();

        * Display a listing of the resource.
        * @return View page
        public function index() {
            //query through pdo object from model
            $rs = $this->address->get_by_pdo_query()->fetchAll();
            //prepare through pdo object from model
            $rs = $this->address->get_by_pdo_prepare([5]);


For using model you have to create a model class to app/models path extending BaseModel class. There are several ways to access data from database, you can use separate model or you can use base model directly in your controller creating an instance of base model.

Using Custom model:

We are using Address model class to our above controller. Access data from the address table using address model class.

A. Manipulating data from base model over custom model using default methods.

# 1. Get Data:

            // for single row
            $rs = $this->address->select("address_book")->fetch();
            // for all rows
            $rs = $this->address->select("address_book")->fetchAll();

            // using column
            $rs = $this->address->select("address_book",["expr"=>["id","name"]])->fetch();
            // for json data
            $rs = $this->address->table("address_book")->fetch()->jsonSerialize();
            // selecting column
            $rs = $this->address->table("address_book")->select("id,name")->fetch()->jsonSerialize();
            // find by id
            $rs = $this->address->table("address_book",5)->jsonSerialize();
            // query with where
            $rs = $this->address->table("address_book")->where("user_id",7)->fetch();
            $rs = $this->address->table("address_book")->where("user_id",[5,7])->fetchAll();
            $rs = $this->address->table("address_book")->whereNot("user_id",[5,7])->fetchAll();
            // Order by
            $rs = $this->address->table("address_book")->orderBy("id","DESC")->fetchAll();
            // limit result with offset
            $rs = $this->address->table("address_book")->limit(2,2)->fetchAll();
            // using pge
            $rs = $this->address->table("address_book")->paged(2,2);
            // aggregate methods
            $rs = $this->address->table("address_book")->count();
            $rs = $this->address->table("address_book")->min("id");
            $rs = $this->address->table("address_book")->sum("id");
# 2. Insert:

            // Insert single row
            $row = [
                "name" => "user2",
                "firstname" => "user firstname"
            $rs = $this->address->table("address_book")->insert($row);
            // Insert multiple rows
            $rows = [
                    "name" => "user2",
                    "firstname" => "user firstname 2"
                    "name" => "user3",
                    "firstname" => "user firstname 3"
            //$rs = $this->address->table("address_book")->insert($row); normal query
            //$rs = $this->address->table("address_book")->insert($rows,'prepared'); // "prepared" query best
                    // for security reason
            //$rs = $this->address->table("address_book")->insert($rows,'batch'); // normal insert with batch
#3. Create,save:

              // create row from scratch, if exists then update
             $properties = ["name"=>'user20',"firstname"=>'',"city"=>''];
             $row = $this->address->createRow("address_book", $properties );
             $row->city = "Khulna";
# 5. Delete

            $rs = $this->address->table("address_book",19)->delete();
B. Manipulate data from custom model using user defined/custom methods.

            // query through pdo object from model, you must create that methods on your model
            $rs = $this->address->get_by_pdo_query()->fetchAll();
            // prepare through pdo object from model
            $rs = $this->address->get_by_pdo_prepare([5]);


Alternatively, You can directly use the base Model class named Model to your controller and can access a table data using the instance of the Model as

   $model = new Model();
   // for single row
   $rs = $this->model->select("table_name")->fetch();

Helper functions:

There are several helper functions. These are given below:

1. view($parm1,$parm2,$parm3) : for include your page on the controller. The view() helper has 3 parameters.

return view('demo/create',['title'=>$title],false);

The first parameter is the page to include here from resources/view/demo/create.php The second parameter is the array of your data needs according to your demand for create.php page, The third parameter is the boolean status for loading the template or not.

2. redirect($url)


This function redirect a request to the give url. There this url redirect the user to /demo url named to web.php

3. notification($array('msg_type'=>'success','msg'=>'Created successfully.'))

notification(['type'=>'success', 'message'=>'Created Successfully']);   

For creating a notification msg, we are currently using session based toastr for displaying msg.

4. session('errors',$errors_array);


We are keeping validation errors to session named errors for displaying with input fields.

5. asset($css_or_js_file_path)

echo asset('dist/css/custom.css')   

The css and js file loading located from assets directory. Load custom.css files from /assets/dist/custom.css as

6. route($url,$with)


This functions link the url to the given path url using anchor href. The second parameter is a array of errors and inputs as you like to add for fetching later to show as:

    $with = [
        'errors' => ['name'=>'Would be a something.'],
        'inputs' => $_REQUEST
    return redirect('demo/add',['with'=>$with]);

7. config('constants.constants_name') For using constants you can use the config/constants file, put your constants there and you can access it where you want as


Accessing gender from constants.

7. upload_path() For uploading a file to public/assets/uploads path.


9. Debugging:

    There are two default functions for debugging
    1. dump(),
    2. dd()

10. Form

There are most common form field creation.


##### #Form input: form_input('field_name','field_type','value','custom_attributes') 1. First parameter is the name of the field. 2. Second parameter is the type of input field(text,email etc ..) 3. Third parameter is the value, you can use to retrieve the previous value using old() functions 4. Fourth parameter is the other attributes as string

     echo form_input('name','text',old($inputs,'name'),'class="form-control form-control-sm" id="name" placeholder="Type name" required');

###### #Form Textarea: form_textarea('field_name','value','custom_attributes') 1. First parameter is the name of the field. 2. Third parameter is the value, you can use to retrieve the previous value using old($inputs,'name') functions, for showing previous value you have to add with parameter to route(). see route section. 3. Fourth parameter is the other attributes as string


    echo form_textarea('Description',null,$attribute='class="form-control" rows="2" placeholder="Type Descriptions" id="Description"');

#Form Select: form_select('field_name','items_array','selected_item','custom_attributes')

1. First parameter is the name of the field. 2. Second parameter is the values of items in array 3. Third paramter is the selected items value 3. Fourth parameter is the other attributes as string


    echo form_select('SelectId[]',$select_array,null,'class="input-sm p-1 selectId"');        

Form validation:

    $v = new Validator($_POST);
    $v->rule('required', ['name', 'firstname','street','zip_code','city']);
    $v->rule('lengthBetween', 'name', 5, 50);
    $v->rule('lengthBetween', 'firstname', 5, 50);
    $v->rule('email', 'email');
    if($v->validate()) {
        $name = ($_POST['name']);
        $firstname = ($_POST['firstname']);
        $city = ($_POST['city']);
        $data = [
        $rs = $this->address->table("address_book")->insert($data);
        if($rs) {
            notification(['type'=>'success', 'message'=>'Created Successfully']);
        else {
            $errors = $rs->errorInfo();
    } else {
        $errors = $v->errors();
    $with = [
         'errors' => $errors,
         'inputs' => $_REQUEST
     return redirect('demo/crate',['with'=>$with]);

##### Displaying form validation errors: For name field as:

    <?php if(isset($errors['name'])):?>
        <span class="text-danger"><?php echo $errors['name'][0]; ?></span>
    <?php endif;?>

#### Notification: For form submission wrong/success, you can show a message as:

    <?php if(session('notification_type')):?>
        <p class="btn text-danger">
            <?php echo session('notification_message'); ?>
    <?php endif;
        //reset it after displaying

For using this message you have to pass , your message as form controller:

                notification(['type'=>'success', 'message'=>'Created Successfully']);       


There is not templating engine, we are using just php tag. We used a master page for loading all pages named at master.php to


We are loading othe page to master.php from footer,header and sidebar page on


Your can separate this structure according to your needs.



For logging your errors you can use myLog(), it will create a log on /storage/logs

    myLog("That is working"):                


There are session for working with your applications.

1. Create: session('key','value')

2. Read: session('key')


* Alternatively you can use session_put() and session_get() for create and read session

3. Destroy: session_forget('key')

  • session all: session_all() and session_empty() for reading entire session and removing entire session

File Upload:

You can upload file as

$upload = new Upload(); // load the file upload library or inherit this
if ($this->upload->fileExists('EmployeePhoto')) {
    $emPhoto = $this->upload->make('EmployeePhoto');
    $photo_file_name = time();
    $emPhoto = $emPhoto->save(upload_path('images/employee/' . $photo_file_name));

Image file validation: You can image file validated using validator check on form validation section.

    if ($this->upload->fileExists('EmployeePhoto')) {
        $v->rule('in', 'EmployeePhoto.error', [0])->message('No image selected for {field}');
        $v->rule('in', 'EmployeePhoto.type', ['image/jpeg'])->message('Only jpg image is allowed for {field}.');
        $v->rule('max', 'EmployeePhoto.size', 300*1024)->message('Max size is 300kb for {field}.');