DownloadLaravel Correlation ID Middleware
A package to manage correlation IDs for request tracing in Laravel applications.
A correlation ID is a unique identifier assigned to each request entering a distributed system. It helps developers trace requests, debug issues, and identify potential security threats. By attaching a correlation ID to each request, you can track its journey through various services and components, simplifying troubleshooting and monitoring.
? Installation
composer require mohamedahmed01/laravel-correlation
?? Configuration
Publish the Config File
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=correlation-config
Config Options (config/correlation.php )
header : Header name to use (default: `X-Correlation-ID`)
alternate_headers : Additional headers to check for a correlation ID (e.g., `X-Request-ID`, `Trace-ID`)
generator : Strategy for generating correlation IDs (`uuid`, `timestamp`, `hash`)
storage : Store correlation IDs in `cache`, `session`, or `none`
queue : Enable correlation ID propagation in queued jobs (default: `true`)
propagate : Automatically include correlation ID in outgoing HTTP requests (default: `true`)
auto_register_middleware : Automatically register middleware (default: `true`)
? Usage
The correlation ID will be:
Extracted from incoming requests (from configured headers)
Generated if missing (based on configured strategy)
Stored in cache (if enabled)
Included in all responses
Available in logs
Passed through queued jobs
Propagated in HTTP requests
Accessible via helper functions and Blade directives
Middleware Registration
If auto_register_middleware is disabled, manually register the middleware in app/Http/Kernel.php :
protected $middleware = [
Accessing the Correlation ID
? In Controllers or Services
$correlationId = correlation_id();
? In Blade Views
? In Jobs (Queued Work)
public function handle()
$correlationId = correlation_id();
Log::info("Processing job", ['correlation_id' => $correlationId]);
? In Logs
All logs during a request will automatically include the correlation ID:
"message": "User created",
"context": {
"correlation_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"
? HTTP Client Propagation
If propagate is enabled, correlation IDs will be automatically included in outgoing HTTP requests:
$response = Http::withCorrelationId()->get('');
? Artisan Commands
List stored correlation IDs:
php artisan correlation:list
? Testing
Run the test suite to ensure functionality:
php artisan test
? License
MIT License |