DownloadCodeIgniter Developer Toolbar
CodeIgniter Developer Toolbar is a third party library based on Profiler Library with additional functionality for debugging and optimization.
Support CI.2 and CI.3
Support HMVC.

Copy the files to the application/third_party/DevelBar folder.
Copy the file core/MY_Loader.php to the application/core folder.
Copy the file controllers/develbarprofiler.php to the application/controllers folder.
Change permissions for cache folder chmod 777 application/cache
If you are using HMVC third party library, copy MX_Loader.php instead of MY_Loader.php to your core directory,
and change the file name to MY_Loader.php instead of MX_Loader.php .
Open application/config/autoload.php :
$autoload['packages'] = array(APPPATH . 'third_party/DevelBar');
Open application/config/config.php :
$config['enable_hooks'] = TRUE;
Open application/config/hooks.php and add this line :
$hook['display_override'][] = array(
'class' => 'Develbar',
'function' => 'debug',
'filename' => 'Develbar.php',
'filepath' => 'third_party/DevelBar/hooks'
Enable or disable Develbar, open application/third_party/DevelBar/config/config.php :
$config['enable_develbar'] = TRUE;
Additional parameters
If you want to disable some sections within the developer toolbar,
Open application/third_party/DevelBar/config/config.php , and set the sections value to FALSE :
$config['develbar_sections'] = array(
'Benchmarks' => TRUE,
'Memory Usage' => TRUE,
'Request' => TRUE,
'Database' => TRUE,
'Hooks' => FALSE, // Disable Hooks Section
'Libraries' => TRUE,
'Helpers' => FALSE, // Disable Helpers Section,
'Views' => TRUE,
'Config' => TRUE,
'Session' => TRUE,
'Models' => TRUE,
'Ajax' => TRUE,
To auto check for available new version of CodeIgniter and DeveloperToolbar, you should set check_update option to TRUE ,
within application/third_party/DevelBar/config/config.php :
$config['check_update'] = TRUE;