Denis O'Hara - 2017-09-11 07:22:41
I am accessing the Australian accounting system, saasu (www.saasu.com and https://api.saasu.com).
The parameters I am using in the oath_configuration.json file are:
"oauth_version": "2.0",
"access_token_url": "https://api.saasu.com/authorisation/token",
"default_access_token_type": "Bearer",
"dialog_url": "https://api.saasu.com",
"grant_type": "password",
"token_request_method": "POST"
In order to get connection to saasu to work, I had to add
if ($this->server == 'saasu') $options['RequestContentType'] = 'application/json’;
into the function ProcessToken2 before the switch based on authentication type (line 2068).
Either saasu does not operate the protocol in accordance with the standard or there is a slight flaw in your parameterisation.