Simon Martin - 2019-12-06 11:44:38 -
In reply to message 13 from Manuel Lemos
Hi Manuel, I'm afraid we haven't got anywhere so any help would be greatly appreciated. The files on the git repo are pretty much as they are now with the exception that I've changed the http.php I've forced the request conten type ($this->request_headers["Content-Type"]="application/xml;"." charset=utf-16"; So the errors we now get are to do with the signature:
[04-Dec-2019 13:19:30 Europe/Minsk] OAuth client: Checking the OAuth token authorization state
[04-Dec-2019 13:19:30 Europe/Minsk] OAuth client: The OAuth access token is not set
[04-Dec-2019 13:19:30 Europe/Minsk] OAuth client: Requesting the unauthorized OAuth token
[04-Dec-2019 13:19:30 Europe/Minsk] OAuth client: Accessing the OAuth request token at https://ws.nordic.confirmit.com/Confirmit/FlexServices/PanelPortalService.svc/Logon/
[04-Dec-2019 13:19:30 Europe/Minsk] Connecting to ws.nordic.confirmit.com
[04-Dec-2019 13:19:30 Europe/Minsk] Resolving HTTP server domain "ws.nordic.confirmit.com"...
[04-Dec-2019 13:19:30 Europe/Minsk] Connecting to HTTP server IP port 443...
[04-Dec-2019 13:19:30 Europe/Minsk] Connected to ws.nordic.confirmit.com
[04-Dec-2019 13:19:30 Europe/Minsk] C POST /Confirmit/FlexServices/PanelPortalService.svc/Logon/ HTTP/1.1
[04-Dec-2019 13:19:30 Europe/Minsk] C Host: ws.nordic.confirmit.com
[04-Dec-2019 13:19:30 Europe/Minsk] C User-Agent: PHP-OAuth-API (http://www.phpclasses.org/oauth-api $Revision: 1.166 $)
[04-Dec-2019 13:19:30 Europe/Minsk] C Accept: */*
[04-Dec-2019 13:19:30 Europe/Minsk] C Authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key="3b8c9c29946c4e15", oauth_token="", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_signature="7cpSUCwD%252Bsk7sELqjz%252F4tN6tiZQ%253D", oauth_timestamp="1575454770", oauth_nonce="62703d73584daf4fe474bf56108f29bc", oauth_version="1.0", oauth_callback="https%3A%2F%2Fgeneralnuts.walnutunlimited.com%2Fcookie-policy%2F"
[04-Dec-2019 13:19:30 Europe/Minsk] C Connection: Keep-Alive
[04-Dec-2019 13:19:30 Europe/Minsk] C Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-16
[04-Dec-2019 13:19:30 Europe/Minsk] C Content-Length: 0
[04-Dec-2019 13:19:30 Europe/Minsk] C
[04-Dec-2019 13:19:41 Europe/Minsk] S HTTP/1.1 401 Invalid Signature
[04-Dec-2019 13:19:41 Europe/Minsk] S Cache-Control: private
[04-Dec-2019 13:19:41 Europe/Minsk] S Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
[04-Dec-2019 13:19:41 Europe/Minsk] S Server:
[04-Dec-2019 13:19:41 Europe/Minsk] S Set-Cookie: ASP.NET_SessionId=lso15u1cwt1car0qbpkzjcan; path=/; HttpOnly
[04-Dec-2019 13:19:41 Europe/Minsk] S X-Confirmit-ID: FE03
[04-Dec-2019 13:19:41 Europe/Minsk] S Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15768000
[04-Dec-2019 13:19:41 Europe/Minsk] S Date: Wed, 04 Dec 2019 10:19:41 GMT
[04-Dec-2019 13:19:41 Europe/Minsk] S Content-Length: 218
[04-Dec-2019 13:19:41 Europe/Minsk] S
[04-Dec-2019 13:19:41 Europe/Minsk] S <ResponseError xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Confirmit.Extensibility.Sdk.ServiceModel" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"><ErrorMessage>Invalid Signature</ErrorMessage></ResponseError>
[04-Dec-2019 13:19:41 Europe/Minsk] Keeping the connection alive to ws.nordic.confirmit.com
[04-Dec-2019 13:19:41 Europe/Minsk] OAuth client: Could not retrieve the OAuth access token. Error: it was not possible to access the OAuth request token: it was returned an unexpected response status 401 Response: <ResponseError xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Confirmit.Extensibility.Sdk.ServiceModel" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"><ErrorMessage>Invalid Signature</ErrorMessage></ResponseError>
I'm not in the office for a few days so I won't be in a position to trial any modifications, It's very kind of you to offer to help, I'll talk to my managers to see if we could compensate you in some way for your time.