shadower - 2008-07-24 10:12:53 -
In reply to message 3 from Valter Hall
Ok, as I can see I need to explain the package use cases in more details.
This package is useful when you have multiple copies of the same software that might have a little different mysql tables structure for some reason.
Some examples from the real life:
1. mysql software team development
Lets say you need to deligate some part of work to external developer. So you give him a copy of current sql tables with testing data and make new checkout of code from version control system (SVN for eample).
When the developer finishes his work, he commits his code changes to the SVN, so you can review them. He also gives you a database with the test data you may test the new feature at. But if you can easily see the cnahges in the code (php for example) with any diff program (like winMerge) there is no way for you to look at the changes made in the database structure as well as import those changes into your own working copy. Here database structure synchronizer (DSS) helps.
2. scripts for updating the software to the new version
Let's say you develop some software which uses mysql for storing data. Let's imagine your software comes with installation script which allows not only to setup the program from scratch, but also update existing installation from previous version to a new one. In this case you should have an SQL to create the tables in empty database as well as SQL which will just update existing tables structure. To generate proper update SQL code you might use the DSS.